
Joanna Marie Lucht

You always pretended you had and ask to be cool and now you have one wtf why did you lie that was so low

What? I'm sorry but I don't recall doing any of that. I don't rly care what people think of me, and "labeling people" isn't the smartest idea of yours...

Latest answers from Joanna Marie Lucht

Have you ever stolen anything?

No , not the way it should go... You have to work for the things you want to steal bro

Joanna hi it's Darya lava u lol jonas brothers twins SAXAPHONE orchestra viola one direction k Bye

kill me now! Don't ever say the O word again

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

Usually their face but every once in a while their face looks like a girls so I'd have to say their thingy...(awkward)

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