

Did I say it was because you broke up? I meant, you say you to are bestfriends or whatever and you talk about her behind her back saying she's ugly and stuff when she's not she is literally perfect

I did say that but I don't anymoee, I said it because I wanted to be with her but I knew that I couldn't so I tried to hate her but I just couldnt

Latest answers from AmazingJordan

What's your honest opinion on vicky parry?

The most funniest person in the entire world, i dont think she understands how funny and kind she is. She cares about everyone of us and she cares about the people that people dislike and i like the way she cries at things that arent sad, this one time i got a snapchat off her and she was crying so i was worried and then she told me that she was crying at lindseystomps video of africans when they were all happy so i just laughed at her but i love how sensitive she is

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