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Ask @JordanStokes140398

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I try I live with my mom and she doesn't understand. I would need baby wipes and baby powder to prevent rash

Have you considered (this will sound odd) tissue filled underwear

Hmm ok I don't have any there either. So diapers might be my best case if I can get my hands on them. I'm just really stressed out and when you're stressed you might bed wet. Every once in a while I'll wet

If you can tell your parents whats happening

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Wish I had someone to get them for me and I could pay them when they give me the diapers. Bean bag I do not own and I don't own any furniture that wouldn't be damaged if I wet the bed

Bin bags not bean bags

I don't have money to get diapers though. That's the sucky part and my parents don't support it

A know it sounds mad but sleep on a binbag?

If I'm worried I might bedwet but I haven't done it yet should I still wear diapers at night just in case?

Thats fornyou to decide do what your most comfortable with

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