

U only want me for sex:///

I want you because of a lot more, firstly I want you because you're perfect, in every aspect, I've told you this countless times but I never get tired of telling you, you're beautiful, perfect, down to every feature you have, You're eye's are stunning, your hair is perfect, you smile is gorgeous, you lips are perfect, your facial structure, skin tone, your teeth, are all perfect. You're body is perfect, everything about it, your hip bones, your legs, your thighs, are perfect, your stomach is the perfect size, you collar bones come out the perfect amount, everything is perfect, so many girls would kill to look like you, and so many boys, Including me, would kill to have you. Your personality is perfect, there is so much I could say, you're funny, you have the best sense of humour, you're not knocked over easily by others, you're strong minded, you're kind, you're caring, you always know what to say, you know how to help people, that's why I and many others come to you for help, because your personality is perfect. even your taste in literally EVERYTHING is perfect, perfect fashion sense, perfect music taste, even perfect taste in food lmao. It's all perfect,
those are a few of the reasons I want you
but the biggest reason, is the way you make me feel, no one has ever made me feel so good about my self and In general like you have. Every time something's wrong I come to you and with in minutes you make me feel as if everything is okay, every time I talk to you I find my self smiling, more and more, everything you say, everything you do, is perfect, I've never found anyone with so many good qualities, literally everything about you is perfect. And that. Is why. I want you
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Latest answers from      José   

What would you do if your girlfriend was on her period?

throw condoms at her and go on a massive rant about how it was her fault we couldn't have sex
inconsiderate bitch

likers get hot or not?

no because if anyone does like this it'll be a bunch of prepubescent 12 year old girls and I don't want to feel like a pedophile

you are well fit bro...no homo

the fact you use the word fit as a complement worries me a lot more than whether or not you're gay

Which Ask.fm gift would you like to receive?

how fucking hilarious would it be if every anonymous question was revealed so we could see who said what

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