

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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link to the girl on your background

hahahahahahahaha do be serious, you actually think i would- hahahahahahahahahahahaha :')

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rita oras blonde babe xx

the photo's edited, duhh, obviously she doesn't want anyone thinking she's a slut ;) xx

who's your background? ;) xx

RITA ORA, she's my wife, i asked her for a fan sign and that's what she gave me ;) xx

Opinion on ear stretchers?

don't mind them actually as long as they're no bigger than 8 or 10 and not plugs, eurgh i hate plugs but the other ones are cool, especially the spikey ones :)
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smash or pass likers?

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opinions on me?? sent to everyone i follow hehe xoxo

sdajfsfgasfgsfgdyfuiaeyg, wow, omfg you are gorgeous, actually, you're fucking perfect, don't even know you but you're fucking stunning :) xxxxx

opinion on me? (sent to everyone i follow) sorry if you don't really know me, just everyone is doing it so yeah... :) x

fucking gorgeous
fucking beautiful
fucking stunning
fucking perfect
omfg you know what? just get in my fucking bed already? ;) x

You know i said the other day "if i didnt have a boyfriend i would let you fuck me" or something like that? Well now im single:):)

i wonder why, haha jokes come of anon baby?


Language: English