

Ask @TylerChaseez

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I wondered what he thought of you coz we were talking about Ex's and all that shizzle, his reply was actually quite fkn cute:') dya wanna hear it?

I'm not his ex but I guess

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Well you are wrong, as it's not Sean😂

Well then keep your opinion to yourself, it was a question that has been asked and answered thousands of times.. In all honesty idk what my bra size is:') it depends!

You seem so negative about him?

I know it's sean😂 I'm not being negative just don't see the point in being all sneaky through the option to be anonymous

Just personal information, I wouldn't go telling people my bra size but lol

I know this is Sean:') don't ask then, or don't look at the answer😂

Why would you put that on here? Sean will be proud:')

Probs is Sean
Everyone has boobs and no one will hardly see the post anyway

If your mum and channing tatum was drowning and you could only save one but the one you saved you have to have sex with, who would you choose?

Sorry mum

Why are you not answering? Surely as you have a bf at tla it should be a quick answer?

Because if I say Sean then it obvious favouritism and you're not getting an answer really. But if I don't say it then I look like a dick?:')

Would you recommend people to go watch dirtyshoegaming on youtube?

If you want to hear Oscar slating his mother and advertising gamma then yes.


Language: English