

Ask @TylerChaseez

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Thanks for sharing you story with me about why you left PM! Much appreciated! I hope you settle in well in your new school ;)

Hahah, Welccommee? and thank you:) x

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Why did you leave Philip Morant?

Bitches- Every school has them, but philip morant seemed to specializes in them. the type that wold bitch about you even if you were friends. I would sit in maths and just hear girls moaning, it annoys the fuck out of me, and i couldnt bare to sit there and have to shout at them time after time until i broke out in violence so they got the message.
'Friends'- im sorry, but people ive known for 10 years, that have grow up with me there in my childhood the whole time, so many memories.. they ment the world to me. but when they knew i wasnt happy, they would go against me and purposely try to piss me off. and when they found out i was leaving didnt seem to give a flying fuck and replied with the exsact words.. 'how longs it been tyler? 10 years? haha, bye' thanks aki.
Jordan fucking eggelton- at the time when my depression hit rock bottom with my mums boyfriend showing to be exstreamly voilent to the point he put my brother in a head lock and almost chocked him to death. He my 'bestfriend' he ment the fucking world to me, the one person i put complete faith in.. we have so many good times. I was the one person who went to visit him when he broke his ribs, but still that one month when i needed him the absolute fucking most, he decides to ignore me, sit away from me. then one day in Drama we were doing a warm up where you have to insult the other in Shakespeare talk, he marched straight up to me.. 'Fat SLUTTY Whore' thanks bitch. Art.. i would try to talk i would get replies like 'shut the fuck up' 'your a cunt' french, he brought Finn into it, yes finn is my ex but at the same time now, he is still one of my bestfriends that understand me and can reach in and get the tiniest secrets out of me:') then jordan started giving the biggen infront of his brilliant friends such as aki.. where he then called me a bitchy slut and told me to 'go suck finns dick' I wasnt standing for that. Thats when i smacked him round the back of the head, it must have hurt because it shut him the fuck up and he didnt say a thing to me for days.
Bullies- lets just say, I didnt get off to the greatest start in year 7, and i sure didnt help my self with a racist comment ( I know thats wrong:/) towards a actually lovely girl in the year above me.. From then i wouldnt say i was bullied I just wasnt particularly liked.
Twats&Cunts- Meet my form. All the quieter girls, theyre lovely. I just didnt feel i fit in there they were too kind to eachother, it was strange. 'The popular pricks' All can be OK. theyre all ok, they just are really loud and fucking annoying... and they girls are fucking backstabbing cunts anyway. and the boys, 2/4 were lovely. The nicest one started acting like the cunts. and started calling me fat, i know i am, cheers for reminding me(y) the one i was closest to, Ignored me and then ditched me for his girlfriend, understandable.. but it wouldnt hurt to say hi. Tom fucking strowger and michael westbrook. 2 of the biggest cunts you will ever meet.

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Q : 5 Facts about you ?

1. I wanna work for MI5!
2. I seem to like people and trust them to quickly
3. I have mental issues apparently. ha ha and wot
4. i have double Joined hips so i can do the shakira stuff:D
5. I wish everyone was happy:( im such a child:')

You shouldn't self harm gorgeous ;) always here if you want to talk...your fave waiter ;)

I only know 1 other waiter, and he's a stoner.
awh thank you sweetie:3 xx
Liked by: Hǝidi ©®0sS

3 things about yourself not many people know?

1- everyone thinks i hate my mum, shes O.K tho.
2- I have double joined hips?
3- uhhmm,, im fixing my ipad
Liked by: Hǝidi ©®0sS


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