

Ask @TylerChaseez

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What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

i was walking throguh a field, saw a horse and he said to me " tyler can you get me some hay" and i said 'No make me' and then the horses said "OKAY!" changed through the gate pulled out some numchucks and chased me, i highjumped a 20ft fence and then the horse crahed through and started chasing me with on fire peices of wood:P
Liked by: beth greer

I self harm because I get bullied. What should I do?

I self harm when im annoyed and when i got bullied, ive sprained my wrist from punching my wall! aha!:L ermm.. I dunno, my buddy always tells me to talk to him before i go and hurt myself because he always helps me through tough times, try talk to someone i guess.. or stand up to those bitches! they start on you..? slap them right round the face.. even if you get beaten after.. they wont come at you again because they know that you wont stand for it anylonger. :) x

What would you ask the President?

I would ask to meet one direction and stay in the white house with them for the night:P


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