

Ask @TylerChaseez

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No she anit not this time, neither is her fat boyfriend Jack ew she kept staring at me at the beach I was like mate just because I'm hotter than Megan.....LEAVE JACK DODD YOU FATTIE....DON'T EAT ME

Liked by: eleanor✿

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Just coz you can fight and coz your tough doesn't mean you could beat me up, at the end of the day I live near Tyler so can get her to like me, you live miles away so can't do shit!


No no no, I'm not lesbian my brother is going to be gay he takes the gay bit not me! Oh remember swimming stuff I'm forcing you to come swimming this time!

I was gunna go anyway.. Is ur scary cousin going?:( xxxx
Liked by: eleanor✿

Whoa mr hard man haha iv played rugby for 9 years, did boxing for 3 years, did karate for a year (it's sooo boring and shit) and I have younger brothers who I beat up on a regular basis...shut up and sit down dickhead before I feel you to Marcus' mums dildo draw

Jack Dingley
This is why I love you ahaha omfg:')
Liked by: eleanor✿

Just coz I'm 13 doesn't mean I'm weak, I have done boxing for a year!

The only boxer I know 13 is kaylem, he's 12 tho

Haha it's funny coz this boy is probably in your year and thinks he can kick me in? I will fucking snap his twiggish legs and feed them to my dogs...

Jack Dingley
Awh how cute;) xxxx

I'm not weak, I'd kick your queer boyfriends arse any day of the week, and whoa your mum I'm scared...

Yes I fucking am scared of her
So you like me? But your threatening to beat up my boyfriend who makes me happy, which surely if you liked me you would want me to be, right? And now your being a twat bout ma mum.. Cunt:)
Liked by: eleanor✿

Yeah I kinda lied ;) I just didn't want you to feel bad that's all...ahh there's another thing that helps prove my point ;) I have only had 4 hours sleep despite my working lifestyle ;) haha

Jack Dingley
Shh I felt really bad for that:o xxxxx
Liked by: eleanor✿

Ah yes but I woke up at 6:40 so only had an hour sleep in the last 24 hours ;) but if we include the night before we could also include that I only slept for 3 hours so therefore iv had 4 hours sleep in the last 48 hours which u will find my friend is less than you ;) xxxx

Jack Dingley
I did tell you you could go to sleep;) but noooo somebody had to be the best person ever and stay awake despite work and rugby which you told me you weren't going to because you were sick;) xxxxx
Liked by: eleanor✿

Don't call me fucking pathetic, I will make you like me, I could please you better than jack as well ;) haha he's a dickhead

That's cute.
Your probably weaker than a nuns piss.. Now fuck off yeah:? Or ill get my mum on u and trust me no one wants that
Liked by: eleanor✿

Break up with jack and be with me? He's a twat

Jack makes me happy,
You called him a twat, that's annoying and pathetic. Why would I want to be with an annoying and pathetic person? Hahah shh
Liked by: eleanor✿


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