

Ask @TylerChaseez

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What can you do to make this world a better place?

No wars
understanding society
no judging
no girls
no bitching
You know what, fuck that.
Just ban the girls and half them problems will be solved.

describe the perfect guy?

Brilliant Personality
Not Boring
Can keep a convocation
always there
trust worthy
makes me smile
good looking
beanie pls?
someone that wont hurt me
plays guitar maybe even sings?
really cute and sweet
just perfect..
and loves me for me
But thats lot to ask for:/
Liked by: Jack Dingley

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would you want to be a boy or girl?

a girl,
but ill never be lady like.
ive always got along better with the boys, and thats the way i like it

Have you ever stolen anything?

omfg me and oscar stole mrs browns pencils in maths..
I felt so guilty:')
ill give it back tomorrow, pinky swear.

What is the major problem in your city?

Honestly theyre fucking everywhere.
its so irritating.
you cant go to poundland.
you cant go to the park.
you cant go to town
without seeing a 12 year old in slut shorts or a 3 year old in heels.
or a larger person in a bloody crop top and trackies.
fuk me, someone take me away
Liked by: M O L L Y


Language: English