

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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Would you date black girls?

there's only one person I would get into a relationship right now
she's beautiful,
has the perfect personality,
the perfect tastes in everything,
the perfect character,
she's flawless, I can honestly say there isn't one flaw about her,
and i've never been able to say that to anyone before
she's perfect
she's flawless
she's special
and SHE'S the only person I would even dream of getting into a relationship with right now

what do you mean you don't like anorexia??

girl should be able to choose what they want to look like with out being judged
but as soon as it affects they're health,
it's wrong and they should do they're best to get out off it
anorexia does that, it grabs people, not just girls, but boys as well, and it doesn't let go unless you try hard enough to rip away from it
it's fine to be skinny, it's fine to be curvy, it's fine to be chubby
but it's definitely not good to be anorexic or obese
if you're any off those, seek counselling and do your best to rip free from it

Right I was suicidal 3 weeks ago and tried to overdose my friend stopped me, I've self harmed for a while know,I still have thoughts and still sometimes cuts but UR an inspiration to me and u should be so proud of yourself to think UR posts have lead someone from suicidal to slowly on the right path

you have no idea how happy this paragraph has made me, always know I'll be here to help no matter who you are
omg I'm literally ecstatic with happiness omd

José , Thank You. You have been a huge influence on my life. I will Never forget you.

If I think you are being serious I will always try and help
especially if it's a life or death situation
that applies to everyone
thanks anon, but I'm just doing what anyone in the right mind would do x

i just feel so down and want to kill myself :( got the blades ready :'(

grab the blades you have or anything you could use to cut, and throw them away, somewhere you'd never get them back. If you can't do it yourself, tell your mum that you have them and what you want to do with them, tell her where they are and she will throw them away for you
grab a mirror, stand in front of it, and look at yourself, look at who you are, and remember everything you've got through, remember the hard times you've had previously and remember how you got through them
remember those hard times you were just thinking about? remember what you were thinking back then? " I can't get through this" "I'm going to give up" "I want to die".
Did you think those things? maybey, but guess what, you got through it, and that's what will happen now, you can get through it.
never tell yourself you're going to give up. because if you do you'll waste the chance of getting to all the good that's still coming your way

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