
Mikka-Ella Mangalino

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Do you have a pond outside your house? (In your recent instagram post)

in glendowie? ha lol yeah why

THANKYOU SASSY ASS TWERK TWELVEIE KEEN QUEEN! I shall see your niggaa ass tomorrow x0x

Algood in da hood! YES! I will see you at 11 x0x0x

THOUGHTS, il do yours if you do mine now ;p make it long az pls x0x

ngeh. Make my thoughts long too sluz.
MALIYAH HEY GURL! WE HAVE BECOME QUITE CLOSE BETWEEN THE PAST FEW WEEKS! I JUST REALIZED WE TALK IN CAPS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You are skuxx as ;) Gettin all da boiz. Maliyah, Twerk Queen hahahahahhaha YOU PUT DA ASS IN SASS OOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHH! You are such a lovely person and so easy to get along with! Such a perfect person inside and out, we talk alot about everything!!! You are da coolest half tongan half white twelvie i have ever met. also da baddest bitch ever! You are sometimes funny hahahahahha fuckin hilarious! twerkin at 4 *deuces* hahaha I CAN WRITE SO MUCH ABOUT YOU LIL SHIT BUT YEAH nah. x0x0x luv ya hunniiii

HAHAHAHAH omfg that was really funnyyy HAHAHAHAH cutiessss ;) see you tomoz byeeeee xxxxxx

hahahahahah no. Yeah night bby :* xo

You make me sound like a pedo who goes for year tens hahahah but you better tell me the secret you were about to tell me when we were walking home see u in business ok byeeeeeeeeee

ummmmm Reisan? ring a bell? hahahahaha, you still remember..? & yaaaa :-)

Thoughts on me

no. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ew i can't be stuuuffed :( but im reallllly nice so yeah, bitch you're lucky. You are one of my best friends, who i've known basically my whole life! Apparently, according to you! I use to bully you in kindy :( im sorry, SEE WHEN I WAS LITTLE I WAS SO STUPID. I SWALLOWED A FUCKING 5 CENT COIN-.- like wtf? You're alwaaays there for me & I trust you heeaaaps so i tell you almost everything.. heh. Youre such a great friend and everything. We always get ditched by kristen, hm. You're too touchy like shit lesbian. HAHAHAHA OMG IM KIDDING! You a cool as muthanigga, of course one of the mains, & you're in two of my classes this year, yay! You are fo reals so ew. Why are we even friends again? hahahahaha lulzz jokes, you are pretty as and have all da year 10s ;) ;) hahahaha, youre just overall such a good friend. u luv meh OMG OI I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING BRILLIANT! I'LL TELL YOU IN BUSINESS! mwahhh :*

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thoughts on erica nd kristen

aw those little shits<3 theyre both my faggots! miss them to bits atm, NEEDING TO TELL THEM HEAPS! theyre great friends, always there for me when i need them, ive had so much memories with them both, Ive known Erica since forever! but we only started becoming friends in Primary hahahah dying, but though i only met The other loser in year 9 she was in my core for like 2 years and shes in quite a few of my classes this year too! I laugh sooo much when im with both of them, we laugh at everything and at anything, theyre both assholes but yeah theyre my best friends and I wouldnt know where i'd be without them! We all have so many inside jokes. will power. I cant even remember the inside joke soz kristen, CAKE FACE!!! ugh dem days at the park hahahahahahahaahaha i luv da niggaz to bits!
Liked by: Kristen Daniels

what are you and kristen talkig about that no one will hear you

Liked by: Kristen Daniels


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