
⭐️Joseph Jr Ruland⭐️

Ask @JosephRuland

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you deserve someone better than her, she's so fucked in the head and you're such a good guy.

Ummm yeah sorry but I think you've gotten us confused with each other.
She is the one that is sane (well majority of the time hahaha ;P )
I've really pushed her boundaries and yet she still holds on to me ❤️
So I count myself very very lucky, and I think you should understand from my point of view on what happens between us. You have your view on her and I have mine, but don't base your judgement just because you heard a rumour or you don't like her because of some personal issue

why are you even with her ...lol

Because unlike some people that were once close to her, I actually love her and as a matter of fact I can't be without her.
It's taken two major fuck ups to figure that out but I've got there.
She does deserve better but until she does find better I'm gonna be the man she will turn to and rely on for comfort, affection and love 😊👍
Liked by: Aydin Coskun

is megan pregnant?!

If she is then that's news to me!!
If she was.... I'm not 100% sure how I feel, I mean I'd love to have kids with her but not till I'm like 25-30
Liked by: Aydin Coskun

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Why you back on aslt

On ask?
I don't know it came up on apps to download and I wanted to see if my account is still active haha
Might stick around, might not 😊

Best news youv had lately

Being taken and given not once, not twice but a third chance!!!
I'm actually over the moon like holy shit!
But now that I have this chance there will be a lot of things that are going to change in my life for her. Everything that I do will be for the benefit of her and I and our relationship. I've fucked up a lot along the way but I think I'm her heart she knows that I'm young and dumb and won't be stupid to throw her away, so maybe that's why she won't let go of me :)
Or maybe because she's crazy haha ;) but either way I'm beyond grateful to call her mine and I hope that I can be the guy she always wanted me to turn out to be xx

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

Drive myself!
Why let a computer crash when you can do it yourself! ;)

Honest opinion bruh!? :)

Alyssa Stowers
You are the the coolest man!! Straight up!
Funny as hell! Sweet! Caring person!
It's crack up how we have practically the same hand prints! #Twins? Haha ;P
But nah real down to earth chick that's fun to be around, always have that one memory of when I stayed at your house with taamea in the sleep out! What a fun time that was hahaha!! :D
Look after yourself kiddo!
Liked by: Alyssa Stowers

How do you stay fit?

I gym 3 times a week, I then train for rugby league an extra 2 times then have a game every Saturday.
Sport and fitness are my life!!
Liked by: Aydin Coskun

Who is your loosest mate to drink with?

Hahah!! Fuck I got too many loose lads hahaha all of the wreck havoc on the town! Too hard to specifically say one!
But shout out to aydin and lui for loosing the bet! You lads rock!

What drama was there ?

Well apparently people were starting shit, a girl got bottled and unwanted persons would not leave... But apart from that it was great ✌️
Liked by: Aydin Coskun

H/O (:

Kayla Madison Scott
Pretty mint chick!
Use to be mates, missed that man coz you're funny as fuck, like when we hungout those few times with Alex. I remember that time I met you and that crystal chick hahaha cracked me up!!
All in all a really down to earth chick :)

Honest opinion on your boys?

Fuck off Taamea ;)
Only you call them "my boys" hahaha!
You either address them as the braddahz or not at all :P

In year nine/ten , who was your crush at the time .

Sorry but didn't have a crush love :P I was too busy getting with people at that time, however I did like people but fuck no I wouldn't of dated them, too busy having fun

Is there someone you miss ? or aren't as close too anymore ?

Someone I miss.....
I miss lots of people, wether it be someone I had a good friendship with or someone in my family that is no longer with us.
I've been close to soo many people! It's hard having them come and go, but it's always worth it because you get to meet new people and experience things you would never imagine :)
Liked by: Aydin Coskun

Who are some of the funniest people you know?

Lui is a crack up!
Aydin even when he's taking the puss outa me!
All my braddahz are irreplaceable with their different comedy moments haha
Aki, luke, aaron, Clark!!
A special person to me that will always make me laugh is my girl, Megan! Cutest little thing ever!!!

best friends? list of boys and girls

Aki, Luke, Chris, Clark, Aaron, Anaru, Aydin, Jamahl, Jackson, Josh K, Lui T, Caleb, Sheldon, Shelden, Shadman, Chris, Jack, Sean, Ian, Harrison, Ryan, Connor, Michael, Whaliid...
Megan, Hannah, Camba, Lily, Caitlin, Summer, Taamea, Holly, Julia, Hannah, Holly, Josie, Britt, Bailey, Sophia...
Sorry if I forgot your name, I lost count of all the people I met that is call a semi decent friend.
Oh and this is no particular order, just as I could remember :)


Language: English