
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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What frustrates you the most?

girls who think looking orange and massive eyelashes look attractive... NO. JUST NO.

can everybody please stop picking on josh.clearly hes going through a hard time+your only making him feel worse,just fuck off if you havent got anything nice to say! <3

aw thankyouu libby :3 <3
Liked by: Libby

josh I knew jade to I went to school with her as you did but the year below and I know all that time she was in America she still loved you and she still does and I know that you will never love anyone as much as you still love jade you will never get over it,she wouldn't want you to be with a cheat

omg :'/

And really shows how much I mean to you when you're fucking saying you don't know who to believe when they're just a shit stirrer with no proof on anonymous whilst I've just given you full access to all of my messages.


I'm not fucking cheating on Josh I love him to pieces, yeah we might fight sometimes but at the end of the day you all need to fuck off trying to get involved. I'd never cheat so come off anon to prove it???

tbh idk who to believe

can't tell you man but all you need to know is morgan has been lying to you all the 'relationship'

if you're lying please just tell me now..

yeah do man because it was with me.. I felt guilty so I thought I would tell you dude sorry

great. just fucking great

why are you even with morgan dude? she is cheating on you and I know you won't believe me but she is. I'm really sorry dude

you have proof of this do you?

Might wanna call Morgan, I'm with her and she's in a mess right now

would if I had credit but she seems fine to me right now

I know josh isnt bothered about most of the bullshit that goes on on ask but leave the shit about jade out of it coz it aint fair on the kid. That shits just goin too far

thankyouu but I found out that the kid wasn't mine so.. yeah just leave jade out of it please people..

Are you single by any chance on earth? Because youre like amazingly kxjjdhendjrnejwknvasjbfd! <3 :3

nope I have a girlfriend >.< sorry :c come off anon? c: <3


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