

Ask @LibbLobb

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Pretty sure I said 'if' ur causing shit. Don't fucking act big on this girly. I'm looking out for Sam and u seem petty enough to do something like this.

Acting big? I'm not acting anything babe. I seem petty enough to do what exactly? And how can you assume me to be petty? I don't know you and you don't know me. So let's not start ey? Yeh cheers again for your pathetic messages on here. I don't need it. It's a waste of your time and mine. So back off love?

Libby if ur causing shit with/for Sam u best fkin grow up. He's moved on and so should u. Ur old enough now to get over dumb shit in the past. Stop trying to fuck shit up with him just bc youse fucked up.

Bloody hell. People still think I have something to do with him. funny how I stopped giving a shit about anything or anyone to do with him. Haven't even heard his name crop up in at least a year. I don't know who you are Siobhan. But all I'm going to say is back the fuck off of me. I haven't done anything to you. I haven't said or done that would cause shit for Sam. I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING HE DOES ANYMORE. That kid is none of my concern. I am happy. I moved on ages ago. I still don't know why he is being brought up really.
Liked by: The Paradox Theory

Have you ever thrown up after eating?

Yeh quite a few times when I was younger because I ate too much of the same thing. As I grew up, I was only sick after food, by force, so yeh that happened quite a few times too.
Liked by: Ahmed Soliman

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I did, I deleted it because ask.fm creates shit I don't need in my life. I don't even know why I'm on it now tbh
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No, not really. I was though for a long while. But now I've found somebody who makes me feel that little bit of self confidence that I was missing.
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Hmmm *answer honestly and end up in beef at school* or *keep quiet* ..... Yeh I'm not answering this publicly

Not known U to gave a bf since I've known u ur a picky person lol not a bad trait got ur whole life ahead to date and make mistakes ohhhh the fun lol


Thats because every you guy you go out with is like 20+ no offence but that age gap is the difference between a kid and an adult hence why you get used, go out with someone your age and i can gaurentee you'll get treated better stop having crave older guy syndrome

Erm ok anon. I was talking about past relationships. In which case my oldest boyfriend was not even 2 years older. Yes I have been close with older guys. But never in a relationship with. However thanks for your input but get to know me first :)


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