
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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Look, kayleigh has inboxed me telling me how upset she is about the fact I told her to leave you alone, and that now you are saying you will fall out with her. Look I made her promise not to say anything. Don't bother asking me to come off anon or 'pop up' I just thought she would mess with you. Tur

The Fuck :') yeah I wanted to know who you are because you were sticking up for me aparently.. thanks for looking out for me but I'm in love with somone already and have been for a long time so don't worry, no girl will be getting in my pants any time soon xD

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What if I just told you I asked you a question without hitting the anonymous button will you pop up to me on facebook?

or why don't you make it all extremely simple and just pop up yourself?:'}


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