

Ask @JuhFlincsyn

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u r good looking. You should be on Rated Oh. Google it if you don't know what it is.

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What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

I put myself front a dog ( I'm afraid of dogs ) just to protect my nephew . WOW how I'm brave. just kidding

What could you do as a child that you can't do now?

Tell to my mom that i love her.
When I was kid, she used to say " I love you too"
Now, she says "Do you want money?" or "What do you want?"
And just after I say " I just love you" then she says "I love you too"

Which was the funniest proposal you got?

"I bet I can touch your boob without using my hands" but I said no

What would you like to see written on your gravestone?

here rests a rusher/drakester too dedicated for her idols

Are you left handed or right handed?

Left handed. and I already heard people say that left handed people are more intelligent. This is good for me ;)

If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

I would influence to care our planet, telling that some little acts make the planet better. i'd influence to care about our planet. that's it.

Which famous person from the past would you most like to meet?

The King of Pop : Michael Jackson or the Spice Girls .

Do you like to dance?

Duh, Of course!! When I dance, I get better. I show a part of me that no one knows

If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

hmmm. It's a good question. idk, maybe a lamborghini. this car is cool


Language: English