
Ben Smith

Ask @JustAFatLadFromDonny

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Listen man not aimed at you but whoever it is bugger off its not me just admit who you are Jesus Christ what is even the point? Haha

Thank you Newton... :L ffs man hahahaha
Liked by: fxck off

It is Newton so who's the chick?

No it isn't, stop bullshitting. He told me it wasn't. Not saying until you come off anon ffs. I don't know you?
Liked by: fxck off

yeah man haha no one really goes on my account tho lol :-)

Same here :L Cba posting it to my FB... I might spam you;)

na mate not me i only put compliments and the occasional dirty question mate haha ;)

Fairs Newton ;) Wish they'd just come off anon already, so annoying :L hahaha

You ashamed of her is she that ugly you can't say who it is yeah haha lol

No she's beautiful actually and amazing... I'm proud to have her in my life, I'm just not telling some random anon about my life Thankyou very much :))


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