
Justina Carpenter

Latest answers from Justina Carpenter

Would you rather lose however much weight you wanted too instantly or never wear make up ahIn?

umm lose weight

Text a guy/girl and ask them if they want nudes and post their reply

I would but I kinda left my phone outside in my driveway for a half hour so its too cold to charge lolol.

Did you lose a lot of weight from doing drugs? Just seems like you have on your insta and fb pics.

lol not really, yay wasn't my "main addiction" and I only did it for a few months so it wasn't really suppressing my appetite like people think, I just couldn't afford both addictions and I'd rather be drunk than high because it cost less, and lasted longer. My weight constantly fluctuated because sure, I could go a few days without eating, but when I was eating I ate extremely unhealthy I mean, anything from pizza, fast food, wings, chips, processed food.. anything cheap... not to mention all the beer and other alcohol I was consuming never made me lose anything. I workout 3-4 times a week and I eat decently healthy and also not using for a month now my overall health is a lot better now than it was a month ago.

What is the most interesting science?

omg I can't even with science, my worst subject in school yo.
I did grade 9 twice, and grade 10 twice fml

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