
Justina Carpenter

Ask @Justinadmc

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Favorite memories in high school?

lol um I'd have to say when maria french tried attacking me because I was being an asshole, or getting kicked out of a basketball game because I was so aggressive and shoved that girl on the ground, idk I was hardly went to school after grade 10.

Best high school memory?

I did this one lmao its a tie between maria french attacking me, or getting kicked out of a bball game for shoving a girl on the court.. I was only in QE for grades 9 and 10 and a few days here and there of grade 11 so I don't have much to remember because 1) that almost 7 years ago ugh I feel old, and 2) I was one of the shitheads that hardly went to school :(

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any exciting plans for this weekend?

yesss! my mom is coming into town tomorrow with the 2 dogs, going to see 50 Shades of Grey with Ashley, I have a volunteering orientation Sunday, Monday I am volunteering at this Family Day Winter Fun Day probably go to the gym sometime.. also i'll be 3 weeks clean and sober! :)
Liked by: Jordynn Lee

I remember this one time I seen you wrecked out of your mind at QE that's probably why you dropped out and didn't graduate eh?

lmao wow that was so long ago, truly living in the past, and I wouldn't doubt that you seen me.. I was a fuck in hs.... I stopped going to QE in 2011, I still did school work all throughout 2012, and graduated a year later than I should have in 2013. so suck it!
Liked by: Blair Bresson

Did you lose a lot of weight from doing drugs? Just seems like you have on your insta and fb pics.

lol not really, yay wasn't my "main addiction" and I only did it for a few months so it wasn't really suppressing my appetite like people think, I just couldn't afford both addictions and I'd rather be drunk than high because it cost less, and lasted longer. My weight constantly fluctuated because sure, I could go a few days without eating, but when I was eating I ate extremely unhealthy I mean, anything from pizza, fast food, wings, chips, processed food.. anything cheap... not to mention all the beer and other alcohol I was consuming never made me lose anything. I workout 3-4 times a week and I eat decently healthy and also not using for a month now my overall health is a lot better now than it was a month ago.

What is the most interesting science?

omg I can't even with science, my worst subject in school yo.
I did grade 9 twice, and grade 10 twice fml

5 facts about yourself?

1) I have to read magazines from back to front lmao, I also own every issue of Cosmo from 2011.. yeee
2) I hate running on the treadmill.. I feel like if I'm running I need to be going somewhere
3) I get bad anxiety attacks
4) I love dancing and singing, and I'm probably the worst singer you'd possibly ever hear hahah
5) I have oatmeal and peanut butter like everyday.

Tbh, we grew up together and always rocked the school talent shows, always have a blast! Especially when me and tash ran into you and I said I wanted the moon as a bracelet hahaha.

hahahah the moon bracelet. yessss. and if we could just not talk about those talent shows.

haha you're an idiot for "almost" ODing on molly.

lol yeah I know its not like I intentionally was like hey lets do a shit load of drugs so I can end up in the hospital.
Liked by: Graeme

thoughts on coke?

Got into it for a bit and I'm not proud of it. Its a waste of money, for a high that lasts for only so long especially wanting more and more coming down, but its nothing special.

oh and whos that one person you miss?

lmao. who is this tho?
seriously if you're that interested in my exciting life you can just ask me on facebook or something, obviously you know me and the shit that i've been dealing with. The person is completely irrelevant. I don't care if you want to know these things I'll tell ya if I feel you're worth telling? ja'feel?

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

define anything?
like right this very second, and this very point of my life lol I want to go to the gym, but a) I'm too fuckin poor and b) the weather is absolute shit right now.


Justina Carpenter
lol yooo those are some deep questions whoevers asking, if you want to know every detail about this just ask me on facebook and I'll tell ya. I dont got nothing to hide but that's some deep shit for here hahaha.

why are you so good at scrabble

I went through a scrabble phase when I first moved to thunder bay, thats literally all I played every chance I got, at one point I had like 45 scrabble games going. #mynamesjustinaandimascrabbleholic


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