Ask @Jvegh

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Tbh, Jade buddy we been best friends for so long, cant even remember all the shit weve been through. I wouldnt really say were friends anymore. Quite literally more like brothers. No matter how mad we get at eachother we always stay bros. Almost fought a few times. But we still here, love you man❤️

Kyle pollard
Much love ❤️❤️❤️

Tbh jade, miss hanging out with you! We had some good times back in the day and I'll always be grateful for you and Kyle for helping me out of a really hard time:) you're a great guy and really nice and funny!

myahsoleilk’s Profile Photom¥åh
Me too! Thanks Myah 😊

Why won't you say you two are dating on social media? Are you embarrassed

We're not dating, I wouldn't be embarrassed to admit it if we were ether, I said text me so I know who you are and why you care so much 😂

Tbh, man idek where to start with you 😍 you the most beautiful coon i ever met. Had the best fuckin summers with you these past couple years! Sucks not hangin out every single day like we used to! Come visit me ❤️

Kyle pollard
Miss ya bud, will definitely come visit ❤️


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