K T Renee Vernice Coffin Bell

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Latest answers from K T Renee Vernice Coffin Bell

do you miss dimarius ?

Umm, I really wish I new who asked this but umm, I do every now and then, I guess, but umm, I just miss the fact that we were so close like best friends but as a couple, I miss how we used to talk and stuff and how people would say we reminded them pof a married couple ????, I still think about how I wish I could've changed a few things, and I do think of all the memories that are still yet too remain, sometimes I wonder if he ever thinks about me or our memories, but that's hardly ever, ?? I love that he's happy, and I'm happy so yeah, hope that answers your question ??❤

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Idek about that one aye !! ?? Umm here in Auckland ?? ?

it sucks him being my first cousin if he wasn't I would have had sex with him ages ago

Who to even is this ??? Omg !!

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