

What do you love the most about your boyfriend ?

Probably diversity! Because we are so, so different! And different is always a good thing :) Also, he is so chivalrous! He opens doors for me and he bought me a sunflower the other day :3 Awe <3

Latest answers from Kailin

I suffer writers block a lot..though i've been writing since i was twelve (I'm currently sixtten) Any tips to beat this wretched assailent?

Writers block attacks the best of us! It's a terrible feeling and here are some things that I do:
1. Go for a walk. This may sound incredibly simple, but it sparks ideas for me and it encourages me to write. People give me ideas for characters and everything usually tends to flow smoothly!
2. Write something you want to read! If you're stuck and can't be sparked with any ideas. Write something that hasn't been written yet, something you'd want to read, and something that you wouldn't be able to put down!
3. Write a scene! If you're currently working on something and you're stuck, there may be some scene that you cannot WAIT to write! Write it and then go back to where you were before! It doesn't matter what order you write it in, as long as it all flows eventually!
Hope these tips helped!!

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Hi :) I am a young author, and I want to write a novel someday, except I have a small problem. I don't know how to write the beginning of my story! Usually the beginning should trap the reader, making them want to read more, but I feel as if I can't do that. Any advice? :)

The beginning is something that not only encourages your audience, but also the writer to continue pursuing their own writing/story. I have the same exact problem! What I do is I try to picture my story in my head and I like to describe exactly what is happening, but I like to start with something interesting. (Poetic starting, dialogue, anything really, as long as its written well).
There are many things you SHOULDN'T do though. You can start a story however you want, but you should stray away from the following:
1. Describing the weather -- Not the best impression to make, unless it's very important to your story.
2. A dream/waking up from a dream. -- Done way too often.
3. A character looking in the mirror or describing themselves "Hello, my name is ____ and I'm __ years old." That's just an odd way to write, and you're breaking a rule in writing. You're supposed to show your audience instead of tell them.
I hope this was somewhat helpful, but I understand how terribly hard it is to start off writing! But once that is finished, we both know that everything flows from there!

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Why did you delete the story about Chloe and Nathan? It was wonderful !

I've deleted so many stories, it hurts :(

Do you have any advice for young authors who struggle with writers block?(:

There are many things that you can do if you're struggling with writers block!! If you're writing a novel, then there must be some part of your novel/short story that you're ecstatic to write about! You should write that part and then go back to where you originally left off!
You can also go on a walk and find some inspiration -- this helps me a lot! You can see people who can inspire you for characters! Music helps a lot as well, or even reading! You can oftentimes find inspiration in others writer and have it reflect in your own, and there is no problem with that!

What are you looking forward to in the new year?

Hopefully I can find some more time to string words into coherent sentences and have the nerve to call myself a writer

Language: English