
Amaresh Kaimal

Ask @Kaimal123

what motivates you to keep pushing forward?

Just myself. My
Own mind. Your
Mind should be your friend not your enemy

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Why love is so painful and why there is no one is loyal???

We are in the most
Misguided era , where we listen to music about cheating and it becomes normal to us.
Only certain love hurts, depending on the lessons that person were teaching you.

You've changed

Well , how well did u know me to begin with? And when did u know me? I like that I changed. I never want to stay stagnant in life.

Who inspires you to be a better person these days?

These days? No one. Majority of people are wicked and weak minded. That only think of materialism and sex. When the world has way more to offer than these small minded things. Lord Krishna is the one who saved me.

When does it get better?

When you stop listening to too much of outsiders nonsense and grow to understand your own internal feelings/trusting your instincts and intuition. Living a moral life and not thinking your above or below anyone.

Language: English