

Latest answers from Michelle

Do you miss anyone at WGHS?

Yes, I do, I miss Julia (she literally looks like one of my friends here at ota but is so much more shy and quirky and awesome!), I miss Karina ( Riny but shes left) I miss most of the people i hanged out with actually. There are a couple i dont miss at all and im actually glad to have out of my life in all honesty but i do indeed miss a few people :) do you miss me?

Why are people so judgmental?

In all honesty I have no idea
I guess some judge you in harsh ways to hide that they are jealous, some are judgemental as that is how they are raised. But it is also due to social media, not celebs but they play a part, its the people who try make celebs look good that impact the younger society making us judgemental whether we judge nicely or harshly.

How are you?

I am doing alright, could be better but yeah I'm doing fine thank you, and yourself?

Do you miss anything about WGHS?

not really. why would I? That year was full of bad memories for me.

If you yourself were an RPG character, what would your stats, weapons and armour be like?

no Idea but I definatly will have me good guns, a katana and knowing me pretty armour that's not the best but good enough, that's all I can say

What is your favourite type of headwear?

Mr Nation
BEENIE :3 also sorry this took a while Nation, I don't have a laptop anymore and no space on my phone for the app :)

A magical genie has just popped out of the last object you touched. What's the poor bastard been living in, and how did he get trapped in there?

well, the last object I touched was the mouse to click answer (clearly) and he was in there because youtold him to stay in there as long as possible.

Language: English