
Kaitlyn Lefebvre

Ask @Kaitlynlefebvre55

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Lmfao, you act so tough, talking shit about Kelsi, and we all know you would smile at her in person and wouldn't say anything to her.😂 #fakefatbitches!

How was i talking shit? All i said was i dont like her? Lol can i not have my own opinion about her? Plus your not much better your bashing me on ask and your doing it anonymously. Like fuck off. Go live your life. ✌🏼️

It's seriously pathetic too! They need to moooooove on

Ahahaha yeah they do! But they wont cause there imature! And like drama

Why can't people just fucking lay off about these Kelsi questions they're annoying as hell 😂

Hahaha i have no fucking clue. Like cool i dont like her. And Just cause her and dayton went to grad ppl think they have to bring her up. No they can stop asking me about her cause they aient gonna like my anwsers

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Thoughts on kelsi andreychuck

Ha, my momma always said if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all 👌🏼👊🏼

10 things you like about your boyyyfriiendd

1) he treats me very well
2) i can tell him anything
3) hes always there for me when i need him.
4) he has the cutest smile
5)he can always put a smile on my face
6) he accepts me
7) hes the sweetest guy ive ever met
8) he handsome
9) he loves me for who i am and doesnt try to change me.
10) he has a good family
Liked by: Dizzy Wizzy

Tbh your my girlfriend and i love you your so sweet usually but you hate me sometimes to so yea, hope your having a rad night love ya 😍❤️ ps your super attractive 👅🔥

daytontoews’s Profile PhotoDizzy Wizzy
Thanks love you too ❤️

Fuckin leave Dayton and her alone holy fuck, there happy and they like each other so leave them the fuck alone you low life

Ahahahahh your a beauty !! 😍❤️i know who u are
Liked by: Dizzy Wizzy

I herd your pregnant 👶🏼👪👶🏼

I heard your a piece of shit behind a fucking computer who has nothing better to do than start rumors.

Someone reported my question to you😂 guess you don't wanna get tracked down do yaaaa

Ahaha fucking idiots. 😂👊🏼 bitch is gonna get tracked. Im coming for
You hide and seek style 😈😈😈
Liked by: brianna.g


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