

Не се отваряй -,- ма коч. пуу. чок гюзел хазел

Знам, че съм хубава, благодаря ти. Следващия път, когато решиш да използваш турски пред мен, първо провери това, което се готвиш да напишеш.
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Latest answers from Moose.

ot kude poznavash Eli Nikolova i Hari?

Хари и Ели са ни най-близката приятелска двойка. Хари е от бившия клас на Явор, на мен ми е сенпай, а японските паралелки в 18-то винаги са си много близки. Приятели сме още от края на 8-ми, началото на 9-ти клас. С Ели се сближихме покрай Хари, от начало бяхме доста awkward една към друга, но връзката ни по естествен път еволюира до фитнес другарче и ежедневно виждане. :D

отговори на тези https://justpaste.it/vw5h

1. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? - Well, I love my friends from both genders, but think I actually prefer hanging out with the boys. They're definitely funnier, more dynamic, you can play (both video and sporty) games with them and they don't really criticize you for your appearence most of the time. Idk, they're just... friendlier? :D
2. Would you ever smile at a stranger?- I do, sometimes.
3. Can you commit to one person?- Totally. That's definitely my thang.
4. How do you look right now?- Hair up, silk dress, bare feet, fresh af.
5. Can you drive a stick shift?- Hope so.
6. Are you going out of town soon?- Yeee boyiii, sea time.
7. When was the last time you cried?- At the ending of "Astarotte no Omocha" few days ago, lel.
8. Have you ever liked someone you didnt expect to?- Yep.
9. If you could change your eyecolor would you?- Probably, if I could change it back if I didn't like it though.
10. Describe your first kiss- Err, gross.
11. Do you have/want any pets?- I want a pupper.
12. Have any scars?- Sure do, plenty. Love them all.
13. Would you ever have a threesome?- I would.
14. How long have you identified as the sexuality you are now?- Five years? I think.
15. What do you wear to sleep?- Not much during the summer and some funky pajamas during winter.
16. 3 fears?- Negative energies, social contacts, unwanted pregnancy. Duh.
17. Are you missing someone right now?- A buncha people, yeah.
18. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?- I hope I get to kiss him for many more years to come tbh.
19. Ever had a sex dream about someone you know in real life? Describe it- Who hasn't? I'll hold back on describing though.
20. 5 turn-ons?- Too personal, senpai, I'm shy.
21. 5 turn-offs?- ^
22. 5 things you like about yourself and 5 things you dislike about yourself?- I'm stubborn, determined, I love the way I enjoy the world, I make great sushi and I'm not afraid of spending time alone. On the other hand, I can get lazy, I can get messy, I'm either pedantic or completely chaotic, I either overdo things or I underdo them aaaand I'm willing to be a jerk to people if they continuosly underestimate me.
23. Ever smoked, done drugs or drank? - Done all, don't like smoking and (most) drugs, but I do enjoy a good drink.
24. Did you wake up cranky?- Not today, but I did very much so yesterday.
25. Would you date an 18-year-old at you’r current age?- I know a few way too hot 18-year-olds that I would/could think about dating... but as I said already, I'm too loyal to think about that while in this relationship. :D

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