
Kane Lee Goullet

Is there a girl who you would date when you were ready, if so who is she? Just so I know who my competition is, I wanna fuck you so bad and I want you to lick me ;D

I'm not 100% sure? ahah who are you? Inbox me and tell me please -.-

Latest answers from Kane Lee Goullet

I can not tell you who i am. But be prepared for these bad things ;)

Ahah and how are you gonna do these bad things if I don't even know who you are silly? :L

Just going to tell you that I would do very bad things to you. ;) hehe goodnight

No that's not fair ahah -.- inbox me on Facebook?

Heard the girls live and flock to you. Have you taught your mates your tricks?

Ahaha funny joke :') I'm sure m mates do just fine by them selves :P

Do you play any sports or is it all about gym ?

I played rugby league since I was little up till last year and stopped playing cause of an injury, I'll be playing next year though :P

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