
Katarina Krakovic

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You are so beautiful and from what I know your heart is just as beautiful. You seem like such a kind, sweet, down to earth person and would love to get to know an amazing girl like yourself

aww thats so kind thank you....yeah you can get to know me if you want to

I know you don't know me and i don't know you but I just wanted to say that you are really pretty and gorgeous. I hope you have a nice day

aww thanks thats so kind.....Hope you as well have a nice day even thoe its the evening

What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?

There is loads I loved for my 18th birthday when I got the 1d perfume, 1d book and a nail polish harry styles...I also loved for my 17th when I got the jb perfume

Was this year a good year for you?

well this year did have its sadness, happiness, its ups and down, some laughter and joke but yeah it was okay not the best year but ok

What was the last movie you watched that was really good?

I watched the tooth fairy on film4 and I love that movie

What do you miss?

A boy at the moment oh and my dad as he is not coming any more at the end of November to London like he said he would come to London

Which celebrity would you like to meet?

These are the ones I would like to meet one day as I can't just pick one:
Emma Watson
Daniel Radclif
Jennifer Aniston
Courtney Cox
David Shwimmer
Mat Le Blanc
Linsey Lohan
Kristina Stweart
Robert Paterson
Taylor Latner
Zack Effron
Vanessa Hudgens
Ashley Tisdale
Dylen and Cole Spryse
Selena Gomez
Miranda Cosgrove
Arianda Grande
Justin Bieber
Cody Simpson
One Direction
The Wanted
Little Mix
Shannon Flynn
Richard Wisker
Dani Harmer

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

I would stalk someone and be with them without them knowing

Describe what a good friend means to you?

A good friend means when they are there for you and you are there for them as well. It also means when you can trust each other and tell each other everything. It also means when you are kind to each other and stay friends forever. Of course friends will have there ups and downs no friendship or relationship is perfect xx


Language: English