

Ask @KatieManey

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What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?

Mr. Gaines because he was always a person to come to if I needed anything.
Liked by: BriRennels

Stay out of it

no it's my business too and it became my business when you started asking disgusting questions about me to Kaitlyn. the least you could do is talk to me. and do it to my face coward.

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I don't think anybody (unless they're a sociopath) would make up almost dying and beat the shit out of a car until it's totaled and photoshop a tree in there for the fun of it. How ignorant are you to even say that?

haha I'm not even mad to be honest. if that's how they feel then that's their opinion I guess. plus I don't need to prove anything to them.

Why did you make up the car accident

you're still on this subject? lol ok. I guess some people can't get past things.
Liked by: kaitlyn

Stfu stay out of it no one asked you so you can stick up for katelyn but you can't answer your own questions. You don't want people seeing the real you. That's why you're ignoring them.

*kaitlyn. but alright if that's how you feel...

Why are people such assholes? People are so mean. Katie your body is gorgeous and so are you.

thank you lol but tbh I really could care less what anybody said on here :p

this isn't a question but to whoever asked said bad things about Mr. Gaines you're an idiot. I agree with you Katie.

.... thank you!!!!
Liked by: Jordan Maier

You have the body of a fat 11 year old boy

yeah it happens. sorry I would change but I'm in a committed relationship with food right now and I'm happy.
Liked by: Makayla McTeer

Your band sucks ass and mr. Gaines is a bipolar dick. And the only time he is nice it's to pretty girls and it comes off as creepy. Y'all play the same stupid songs every game and halftime is boring as fuck and you guys sound terrible.

You don't know anything about Mr. Gaines and I'd appreciate it if you would not talk bad about him. Mr. Gaines has been the most dedicated person in my life in the last three years, someone to look up to and come to for anything. You have know idea just how much effort he puts into everything and I'm sorry that you didn't get to know him like the rest of us. He's going to be missed next year but we're not going to give up on what we believe in. So please don't make this transition any harder for my band.

Do you prefer underclassmen or does it just coincidentally end up like that?

The class doesn't matter to me. Its who you are as a person that counts.
Liked by: Jordan Maier

Do you follow your brain or your heart?

it's hard to say. I try to follow logic and reason but sometimes feelings can be overpowering. but no matter what happens it all happens for a reason.
Liked by: Jordan Maier

You have a smudge of makeup on your head in your default pic..

it's a bruise smart ass. and I really like that picture of me because I took that when I was going through a really tough time in my life to prove to myself that I can find a way to smile through everything that goes on. to me this picture shows strength that God gives me to carry on even when I feel like there's no reason to keep pushing forward. my life has been absolutely insane this last year and I don't expect anyone to understand what I have gone through but don't sit here behind anon like a coward tell me what you think of me. your just an asshole who need to learn how to shut the fuck up. I don't even know why I try to be nice or give second chances any more when the world seems to be summed up in idiots like you. so please as a public service announcement if you don't know how to be a kind caring member of society don't use the Internet.

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