
Katie :D

Ask @KatieMullee

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How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

School days half an hour other days about 2 hours haha

If you could dress a boy in Girly clothes what you make him wear? And what'd you make him do in it?

Why would I make a guy wear girly clothes??

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If you had three wishes, what would they be?

One of them,would be a genie, so I get more wishes and I would wish for alot

When did you first fall in love?

I have never fallen in love, but I have liked the same person for nearly 2 years now, just wish he felt the same way
Liked by: Chloe Muursss!

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

I would get mum with flowers around it, on my hip :)

Which is the best book you have read so far?

Hahahahaha, like I have read a book!! But if I have to pick a book I have read a bit of is probably Mcfly :D

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

Not saying who, but I would ask him how he really feels about me

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

Who I like and have liked for the past year and half-two year, only about 6 people know

What made you happy today?

Thinking of that one person, then it made me sad because I know he will never feel them same way about me :'(

What's one thing you've always hoped to do "one day"?

It probably isn't the right answer but, to go out with the one person who I have liked for over a year :) <3

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

Mash potato!!

What makes someone attractive?

Taller than me, bright blue or green eyes, makes me laugh, blonde or brown hair, abit weird, geeky, can play guitar and sing is a bonus, would love a guy like this :)
Liked by: Jack.


Language: English