

Ask @KawaiiKuroi

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What was the last thing that made you laugh?

My classmate made fun of a guy who are gonna see Fifty shades of grey with his girlfriend...
I; You, me, fifty shades of grey in the school bathroom
G; Ohoho~
J; Shut up
Liked by: Winonah Achrén

Would you prefer a party with a few friends or lots of friends?

A few, easier to communicate with everyone if there isn't that many in the beginning cx

What are you sure of?

Thaaaaaaaaaat.... I can't sleep, I hate this and my life in general and my parents actually kinda accept the fact that I'm pansexual, surprisingly cx
Liked by: Dick Ahlgren

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

I don't want a fucking gender! I'm a bloody Alien neko! That's it!~
And I'd like to keep Charlie Zooli Flower Prince as my name ^^

How can you be happy without money?

Last time I checked Love and Friendship was free and that is pure happiness right there~♥

What are you terrible at?

Knowing who my heart wants when there is two that are acting the same towards you, being social and a good person

What is the most important thing in a relationship?

The feeling of belonging and feeling wanted.. knowing the fact that even though others may turn their back on you there is always gonna be that one person that you love that'll never turn their back on you..
"You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear" - Oscar Wilde

What is something you do every single day?

Something that I'll usually regret in the end of the day or the next day


Language: English