

Ask @KayleeBenoit

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I never said there was nothing wrong with you, and yeah, cause i'm suppose to know everything about you. You don't tell me anything. I may or may not have said stuff about you, but you're no better when it comes to me. Since you're probably tired of being so "busy", why don't you go to bed.


Fine, if you wanna act like that, you'll get what you deserve but I won't be the one who's gonna be there for you in the long run, I try to make it better and be your friend again, but if you wanna put words into my mouth, so straight ahead. Have fun.

Mhmmm after all the stuff you said about me..you wants me to be your friend..hah, and you say there's nothing wrong with me..then why am I on pills? Huh? Like really though-.- anyways I have no time for this..maybe tomorrow idk

Here I am, trying to be nice to you but you're still turning me down to even try to get the drama out of the way!

You called me a slut....

For me shit usually is drama, gossip or just have things to tell you. But you do catch on who I am right?

Well duh-.- I only hate two people in my class but yeahhhhhhh I know who this is my godddd

You shouldn't have to talk to the ones who aren't worth your time, but I really need to talk to you. So you're coming to school right?

There you go so that means I don't have to talk to you;) and yeah I'm going to school.....maybe

It shouldn't matter who it is, You have to come to school tomorrow, please?

I don't have to....but I am going just not talking to the bitches..

Please, go to school tomorrow. I have to talk to you, I'm sick of being mad, I'm just sick of us fighting over stupid things, just let me fix it okay? Please?

Da fuck is this??...

cece was talking shit about you she was saying that you were trying to get at her bf

LOL yes right on-.-
One,I don't even know the guy
And two i ain't trying to get at her boyfriend I don't even talk to him xD

Girl, You are beautiful, and you don't deserve any of the hate you get. Keep smiling girlie, and just ignore the haters. Who are they to judge the life you're living? And always remember, 'Life goes on' :)

SmilePleaseAndJustStayStrong’s Profile PhotoQuotes~
Very well said<3:)
Thank you:)
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