

idle boyfriend

a boy who has a heart, who us truthful and solves arguments nit starts them. Will hold a girl's hand in front of the world and be proud to say "this is my girl". To be loyal, to treat her like a princess all the time. Spoils her, but makes limits. Has lazy days with junk food, cuddles and kisses. Watch movies all day, have long conversations and falling asleep, spending hours on end with her and never getting bored. Would run down to her house raining. snowing, hot, whatever weather it is to say sorry or to sort things, to be there, to surprise her. Someone who respects her family, gets on with her family and would do anything. Someone to trust, to care for, to push her in the right direction. And when she hits the bottom he will be there to catch her, to pick her up and make her smile, make her move forward. To hold her hand through tough years till the day she's down the isle, to the day she gives birth, and to the day she nay be old and dying. Idle is someone who takes forever seriously,
-this is my boyfriend
Liked by: Haydn Dom Foster
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