

Ask @KayleighEllen

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you would only go out with someone you love??????? so youve loved 3 guys in the space of how long?

I loved Kyle, for a year and 4 months. Then we broke up, for reasons that have nothing to with you. Then I moved on, to someone I started liking, which also, has nothing to do with you. Oh wait, thats 2?

You and Luke suit, cuz you guys seem so cute together, the way you talk!! I know u go out wid that Josh kid. But thats MY opinion

Enough about Luke man,

Nope, i'm not a boy. tbh you use boys i think, yeah you're pretty and can be nice but you just hurt boys that have feelings for you!

Some boys, have to be let down, honestly because I don't love them. That's life, it would hurt them more if I lied to them. I would never use anyone, I would rather shoot myself, then hurt a boy. 'Tbh', I don't think I should be in a relationship, if no'one will let me be happy with who I want.

I don't want to get along with you but you was with Kyle, that max kid and now some Josh, so yeah haha

Ah, so like. You use to inbox me, asking me to be bestfriends with me, but now because I don't like you that much, you say different. Noeww I wasnt x

So who are you with? you've been with about 3 different boys within the past month?:S

3 different boys within the past month? I don't know where you've got that from. I stayed with Kyle for a year and 4 months, lul. Stay out my business and mind your own, that way..We can get along.

Why is everyone pathetic here, like seriously she has a boyfriend lay the fuck off. Trust me I don't think she wants to go out with someone who can't spell, demands that you go out with them and just be an arsehole! My names Ryan btw, josh's friend, still can't be fucked to go onto my account.


I really like you, but I don't think you like be back? I don't want to be friends with you, if that's what your going to say?? But your beautiful and amazing

Well, because you've hid your name, it's hard to give you an answer. I like someone at the moment, a lot actually. So whoever this is,anon,I'd glad to just stay friends,if you want,as you said you don't want to be. But it's your choice at the end of the day. Inbox me on Facebook, :) xo


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