
Kaysie Anderson

Ask @KaysieAnderson

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Thoughts on sex?

Depends on if your asking about having sex regularly or if you're having sex for the first time.

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Tbh: I love u so much and I can't wait for high school together! We clicked when we first met! We need to hang out ❤️

qfunnybunny4’s Profile PhotoQuincy Grace Murphy
Aww I love you❤️ you're so cute and I can't wait to see you everyday

tbh I miss you so so muchh❤️ we neeeed to hangout, text me so we can make plans! and you & you're boyfriend are really cute(: rate bmss I love you

Awww thanks❤️❤️ is this Daisy?❤️ cause if it is I miss you so much and yes let's hang love Ya

tbh Kaysie I miss you! I remember when we first met we became friends right away, I love being around you, you're gorgeous and so outgoing, let's hangout soon please! I love you & Merry Christmas❤️

I love you sooooo much Daisy! Please come see me soon cause I miss you sooooooo much❤️❤️❤️ I love you and I'm always here. You're my favoritest❤️

Day in the life ___?

Woke up
Felt sick
Told dad
He said I could stay home
Went on snapchat and saw everyone and their mothers post about the weather
Went back to bed
Woke up
Watched 13 hours of vampire diaries
Now I'm back in bed
Interesting ik


Language: English