
Keeley Hamilton

Ask @KeeleyHamilton1

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Are you single, or in a relationship? If single tell why?

Single :/
My relationship ended because of the distance, it was too hard on the relationship, like the relationship was pretty much pure love, but I guess there came a time where the distance got between us and the right thing to do was move on. Even though we stayed in contact and do still talk now, it's not the same haha. It didn't help only seeing him 4-5 times a year too. I guess it helps knowing that we can still remain good friends in the end :))
Liked by: RealslimshadyMc

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Have you ever played rep basketball?

Yeah, when I was in 12's and 14's I did, but after my knee injury unfortunately I had to give up so I became a ref haha, but I still play locally

I find you the biggest inspiration.. You've battled to save your life for the past 2-3 years and somehow you've overcome all the battles. You fought through depression and look at you now, you're beautiful, funny, caring and just an amazing person all together x Sorry if this is heaps personal x

Adam Niles
Nah it's okay, everybody pretty much knows anyway, but thankyou, it's made my night x

I just wanted to let you know that you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen and keep smiling beautiful xx

Aw xx

How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

Somebody would still find a way to break that, although, it would be nice to see a few people try it
Liked by: Hope.Bauerhuit Matt


Language: English