

Ask @KellyYagiela

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If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

rent a big cabin up north and invite my closest friends, rent snowmobiles, etc and have an adventure.

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What is your attitude to smoking?

it's someone's choice, but the facts are facts. and out of personal experience, I will have issues dating a smoker. there's not much more disgusting than kissing someone who smokes.

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

my parents, my brother, and my best friend.

How was spencer an asshole

there's only so many ways I can answer the same question. I'm done with him and done with questions about him. buh bye.

I'm just saying he is an awkward person.

well that's you're opinion I suppose. he's my friend and a really nice guy.

What would you do if one of your female friends forced you to smell your feet?

I don't know how someone would force me to smell my own feet, that'd be sort of difficult.

Why do you talk to Noah? That kid is super awkward and weird.

don't talk say things about people you obviously don't know very well.

I just think or feet r probably soft and beautiful that's why I asked

I'm going to take that as a compliment, thank you.

what would you do if A random chimpanzee started following you around?

I think chimpanzees are cute. as long as they don't fling poo and such.


Language: English