
Kelly-anne Platt

Latest answers from Kelly-anne Platt

Nosey posey? Well youre moving college and i know you got a u in at least one subject leading me to believe that youve moved college to save face and retake the year where youre not known.

In history because I started that in January. I moved to Woking because it is much closer to my house they have better dance facilities and I can get back into my running again. I would have stayed with all my friends but it's much more convenient to go to Woking and carry on some at a2 and re take history

What did you get then?

Nosey posey none of your business don't know how you came to the conclusion I failed when you don't know my results ?

What makes you genuinely happy? In detail.

The feeling of being free, the world being limitless with good company to help you explore

How is it that you were an arrogant neek all year and STILL failed y12? I found it hilarious!

I didn't fail at all...

Language: English