saying you have raised your standards is like saying your now too good for most people June 04, 2013 No it isn't? Not at all! Why can't you inbox me and say all this,or even untick you name..? Liked by: Layyy
raised your standards, that's a bit snobby isn't it? June 03, 2013 No,no it isn't? What would make you say that?
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? June 03, 2013 A new house for my mum
What do you look for in a boy? June 02, 2013 A lot of things..I have raised my standards..inbox me and I'll tell you
If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say? May 31, 2013 A lot of things..
2 best friends??xxxxxxx May 30, 2013 The ones I'm closest to probably Emmy,Emmy,and izzy? But I have lots of other friends too!! Liked by: Izzy Moloney
You are amazing funny and sweet and I'm always here for you Ethan Cotterill May 30, 2013 Aw thankyouu!
Who Should these people go out with ? - Owen grant-Jack gale-jamie heffernen-nathan storr-zak estill-finlay morris-jay stonehouse ? <3 May 30, 2013 Who every they want,it's a free country.. Liked by: Hannah Cook