
Kerry Cook

Ha jay went in hard on ustream with a new track written in about half an hour he was sayin on cam.very catchy aswell.He facetimed tulisa live on cam aswell.Took us on a tour of his house,over 400 viewers.All I can say is you must be mad girl !!

sam14xxx’s Profile Photosam arthurs
At the end of the day im only 16 years of age and i have my whole life ahead of me, i have just started doing my exams and he was like yeah i like you and all this shit but i cant fall for someone straight away:/ i only knew him a month. He would argue with me when i didnt want sex with him but hes 26 he should of respected me. Hes a dick not gunna lie, he was saying i wanted him for his money and everything eles when i never used him at all. I was very greatfull what he did for me but now i said to him can we just be friends cuz i only had a stroke monday night so im still abit ill i had another black out today cuz of me being so ill and hes really not helping. He lied to me about everything were he got his money from lied about who he really was, he wasnt gunna tell me about this shit! But i really cant be asked with a pathetic little boy who thinks he all hard cuz he"famous".

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