
Kerry Cook

Ask @KerryCook

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evry1 should jus back out of youre business!!!! who cares what they think eh? kerry your a legend and pepole should respect u for who u are, + you have nice tits lol - jordan mitchell

Thanks xxxxx

Tbh if I was in your position and I miscarried and if anyone tried to bully me or do anything I hate just because of that, I'd punch them in the face, because its funny to see the people who you hate get hurt, do you think that?...

Yeah ut i just dont listen to them xxx

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Opinion on Lewis pollard

Well your my ex , gorgeous ur a dick cuz u broke ur leg;) But yeah , best m8s now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love you:* xxxx

what ollie said to you was lies! i never ever said no rumours about you! you are wonderful preson and i am sorry you got the wrong idea of me im not like that :/ :( :( :( add me and pop up sometimes? i arm sorry!.... -kyle walsh xxxxxxxxx :(


kerry your well fit and your lush, you have your haters but fuck them :S always here for you if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or a cheeky rag :) from alex back xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Um thanks:/xxxx

u are so amazingly beutiful its unbelievable, you dont know me but i really wanna get to know u cuz your beutiful xxx

Beautiful* an thanks xx

i'm not gunna pop up because i'd look gay, but you're not even that bad.. don't know why you get so much hate tbh!

Just people finding it funny thinking im gunna react to it when i aint:) Please pop up?xx

please don't take this the wrong way, but i think brown hair suits you much better, you look pretty anyway but brown does suit you better, its your hair though and you can do what you want but i was just saying:) x x

Every one has an opinion :)xxx

If i'm being honest i think your blonde hair actually looks nice on you, if people can't accept what you like then just fuck off. You don't deserve the hate you get, because you've been through enough xxx

Aww thanks:')xxxx

Have you every been pregnant and would you abort the baby

Yes i have been pregnant but i lost it and if i was this age then yes i would cuz im far to young to have a baby but if i was like 18 then no

kerry had some good memories together your stunning and ignore every twat that gives you shit cuz u dont deserve it tbh im here for you love you lots ;) xxxxxxx

Aww thanks , whos this btw?xxxxxxxx

Kezza I know we have had our arguments and there's been times where I have wanted to slap you,but you dont deserve this shit from a bunch of immature little pricks who have nothing better to do than pick on innocent people, I know your not that so innocent but losing a child is very difficult

Thank u xx


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