
Khaled Ahmed Ghozzy

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شخصيتك في الواقع تختلف عن شخصيتك علي السوشيال ميديا و لا لأ؟!

اطلاقا .. انا زى ما انا .. مش واخد قناع ع السوشيال ميديا ..
مش مثلا بتكلم بحريه هنا و ف الواقع لا .. أو العكس ..
انا هو انا XD
ايه اللى انا بقوله ده XD

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من فضلك يا دكتور انا بحب الEnglish اوي و كنت باخد كورسات فيه من زمان و الحمدلله مستوايه فيه كويس الى حد كبير ... بس عشان الدراسه و الامتحانات ف انا مش عارف اروح كورسات حاليا .. فحضرتك تنصحني بايه عشان مستوايه مينزلش فيه ؟

-Watch English movies, but it must be either with English subtitles, not Arabic, or English dubbed.
-Use the language, practicing is the ultimate method to enhance English.
-I talk to most of my friends in English during our conversations on Facebook, or even here using Ask.fm.
-Listen to English songs, and try to write its lyrics by yourself, and then check the lyrics.
-Read articles in English, try to translate the words from English to English, that the translation becomes a definition of the word. It really helps.
-Try to write in English, express your feelings on a piece of paper in English. That'll help you think in English and whenever an idea comes to your mind, it'll be in English, that will make English easier.
-Try to increase your vocabulary, by reading about things that you have never read about before.
Good luck ^_^

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انا مقصرة فى مذاكرتى جدا بالرغم ان عندى امتحانات ....بس بضيع وقت بشكل كبير جدا ....وبدأت أحس انه خلاص مهما عملت مش هيفرق ....عاوزة حضرتك تنصحني

حضرتك لازم يكون عندك تصميم من جواكى انك تذاكرى .. لو كان مش عشان نفسك . .يبقى عشان أهلك اللى أكيد مناهم يشوفوا حضرتك أحسن واحده ف الدنيا
و على فكرة أكبر غلط فكرة ان مهما حضرتك عملتى مش هتفرق .. لا هتفرق جدا ... حضرتك لازم تقللى من الوقت الضائع .. و تمسكى المواد كلها تشوفى ايه منها اتذاكر و ايه لسه
نصيحتى لحضرتك .. تقللى من وقت ال
social media
و أى حاجة بتضيع وقت ..
و تذاكرى المواد حسب الأولوية ..
و ان شاء الله خير ^^
تفائلوا ^_^
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله ^^

Post something that you wrote, yourself. A poem, maybe a little part of your diares..etc.

This is life …
The fact that every one of us has their own issues and complications ruining their lives, and they stay hands tied, shocks me whenever it haunts me. Turning our backs to our problems is never a solution. Actually, the problems might exacerbate and stab us in the back. It's never too late to act; it's better late than never. All we have to do is; identify the crux of the problem, find the optimal solution and start implementing it. For that, we need clarity of mind and determination. Once one knows their problem and how to face it, nothing can rein them. Never let an obstacle change your desire to reach your goals. And whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you have started in the first place.

Life is so full of surprises that can either delight or grieve you. Complaining about life won't help you overcome its horrors; you will be tied to the depth of despair, instead. Whatever impedes you in life, you have to move on. Stick tight to your goal and, whatever happens, never lose neither faith nor hope. You have to be your own inspiration that whenever life pulls you down, you get yourself up. Make the best use of the blessings of life and take lessons from its curses. In fact, these curses become blessings when you learn from them.

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You are a unique individual & the world needs YOU..stay strong, I know it can get tough at times but these struggles will make you stronger.Your life has such an IMPACT ,,never give up on yourself , you're a blessing to those who know you and those who will ..Stay strong , you're worth so much ^_^

To everyone who sees these words, smile, believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities.

For those who know me well , or had a previous dealing with me ,, could you tell me what is your impression about my character as a general ? flaws and qualities ? ^_^

Doctor Abrăr, I am so proud that I am one of your colleagues. You have a very nice and cooperative personality. I have not dealt with you enough to build up a full image of your wonderful character, but the first impression is enough, and I am 100% sure that it's an accurate impression ^^ Have a nice day, doctor Abrăr ^^

لو واحده او واحد فضفضلك وفـى اخر الكلام قالك انه هينتحر وكان بيتكلم جد .. ايه هيكون رد فعلك !! :)

آيا ااه ^^
هتكلم بصيغة المذكر .. بس مش هتفرق معايا واحده او واحد .
اكيد انا هحس انى لازم امنعه مهما كان .. و اكيد هبدأ احاول اشوف اسباب حالته دى و احاول إما اقنعه انها مش تستاهل .. و اكيد هى مش تستاهل أيا كان .. أو هقنعه بقى ان ماشى هو صح و انا معاه ف اللى قاله بس اكيد نقدر نحل المشاكل دى .. و أعرفه انى مش هسيبه و هقف جنبه نحلها سوا انا و كل اللى بيحبوه . اللى هبدأ بنفسى اعرفهم و اطلب منهم مساعدتهم ف اللى بعمله .. و اكيد هما مش هيرفضوا .. لما يعرف أد ايه احنا بنحبه و خايفين عليه و وجوده فارق معانا اكيد ده ولو بنسبة بسيطة هيخليه يتراجع عن اللى ف دماغه .. نبدأ نهتم بيه اكتر و نعمل حاجات تكسر حالة الاكتئاب اللى عنده .. نخرج نتفسح .. نلعب .. نعمل أى حاجة و كل حاجة بتبسطه .. نعيدله ثقته ف نفسه .. و ان الحياه جميله نقدر نعيشها و حتى لو فيها عيوب .. احنا نقدر بحبنا و حب اللى حوالينا لينا ننسى الهموم و نحس بالسعاده .. انا بقى هخليه يحس بقيمة ده .. و اخليه يعرف ان الدنيا هتبقى سواد بالنسبة لينا من غيره . و بعد كده ابدأ اتكلم شويه بالدين .. و ان ده حرام و يبقى حرم نفسه من الدنيا و الآخرة .. طبعا انا مش بدأت كلامى و تصرفاتى بالدين و الحلال و الحرام .. بكل بساطه لانه اكيد كان وصل لمرحله من ضعف الايمان بالفعل .. و ممكن الكلام ف الدين ساعتها مش يكون ليه تأثيره القوى .. اما لما اخرجه اولا من الحاله اللى فيها و احس انه بيستجيب شوية ب شويه للى بنعمله علشانه .. ابدا بقى اتكلم بالدين .. ساعتها تأثير الكلام هيبقى مسموع . ممكن لو كنت قلته قبلها و هو لسه يعتبر عقله مغيب .. لا يقتنع بيه و لا يقبل يسمع منى كلام تانى .. ده ممكن يقول كلام ف حق الدين ساعتها مش حلو .. لانه اكيد عقله مكنش فيه لما خد قرار زى ده ..
انا لو فشلت ف انى امنعه بالتفاهم كده .. هحاول امنعه بالعافيه .. لانى مش هقدر اسامح نفسى لو مقدرتش اساعده .. خسر دنيا و آخره

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Then why did you choose being a dentist ?? and have you ever thought of faculty of medicine ??

I have chosen to be a dentist because dentistry involves using hands more than any other field. I have discovered that I have a somehow talented and steady hands when I was in STEM school. The capstone projects that I have took part in had lead me to that discovery. In addition to that, I have tried many times to measure the steadiness of my hands by drawing straight lines and geometric shapes by my pare hands. The results of these attempts were great. I have even tried to do the same using the touch pad of the laptop. I have asked many of my friends to try doing the same, none managed to. Only then did I realize that I should be making a good use of my hands. Moreover, I like practical studying and hate theoretical one. That was when I was 16. I have started by then to think about the career that would best fit me. Dentistry was my final decision by then, and I have made it my goal. I have started to know more about it from the internet and from my sister. The faculty of medicine was excluded because it lacks practical studying, everything is theoretical for nearly seven years after which you might, or might not, start using your hands. Dentistry is Art, and I like art :D I think that I have listed the major ideas :D No need for minor ones because that would make this answer an essay of nearly 500 words :D

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what are the possible and Impossible achievements for you ?? and why they are ??

Impossible! Is that even a word? The word itself says " I'm possible " . Nothing is impossible.
Whenever I want something, and it becomes a desired achievement, then I never give up on it.
Why! Because I believe that determination can lead to success. So, as long as I am determined, nothing can stop me from achieving that achievement.


Language: English