
'Atiqah Aniyah

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Latest answers from 'Atiqah Aniyah

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

1. Pentatonix - Problem ✌
2. Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul - Miss Wonderful 💕
3. Pentatonix - Cheerleader 🎉

What holiday gift would make you really happy?

Mortal Instruments' series or Austin Mahone's official book or money (a lot) :') ha ha.

Tiqaaaahh qtpie! suka laughing and makes me laugh too hahaha youre gorg in any way! good at sports andddd suka tease me pasal ughh HAHAHA see you around xx

Syaimaaaaa Pretty Waffle! Awwww sweet ehh!! *terharu* Thank uuu!! :') hahaha. Tease psal apa tu ahhh. =P Ehemmm. I ship okay I ship. X) See u too! ×

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