
I Am Batgirl ;)

What happened with you and Tyler?

I messed up with him, so now he has a certain opinion on me which I don't think I'll ever be able to change. I told him one day I'll fuck up and look like that day finally caught up with me, he might not want anything to do with me anymore but tbh I don't blame him. I know it's going to be hard not to talk to him everyday but even if he doesn't I will miss being able to talk to him every day about anything, he meant so much to me and still does, I've said sorry to him but I know it won't ever be good enough. I hope he finds a girl who won't mess it up with him because he's a keeper girls, I wished we could of sorted thing out but he probably won't see this but I hope he realises I am sorry even if sorry isn't good enough but I do hope he finds happiness somewhere....I guess it was finally time to say goodbye
Liked by: Kieran IsGreat
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Latest answers from I Am Batgirl ;)

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a singer or a dancer

Language: English