
Tempy's Characters

cinna;; w-why? -frowns and crosses arms-

Ceallach; -snorts- Because lass, there are other...less.../friendly/ men-folk out and aboot, who'd like nothin' better then t' 'ave some sweet lil lass to...weel, y'know, warm their bed, only mebbe not willingly.
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Latest answers from Tempy's Characters

What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?

I have read the books so I already know xD Still back on season 2 for the show though, more interested in reading the books generally.

Marille's Introduction

Tempy's Characters
"Damn cold 'at was!" The towering hulk of a dog padded out of the ocean as though his great bulk was absolutely nothing. Scruffy wet fur clung tightly to his muscular body, but to the onlookers gathered about on the beach the main sight to behold was found in the two large canisters which were attached via harnesses to either side of his body. "Found some good ones!" The irish wolfhound barked excitedly, waiting until the other dogs had pulled the canisters to safety before aggressively shaking, water droplets flying over everything. "Tha' trench 'ad a lot o' gorgeous fish I 'adn't seen before. Swam right into those canisters they did, made my life easier t' be sure." He carried on, not really caring if anyone was actually listening, though his booming voice ensured that they did. His little tirade didn't really garner much response though, but a small Labrador retriever shuffled over to him then, her eyes round and questioning.
"Um sir... I, I hope you don't mind me asking this but... who exactly are you?" The irish wolfhound blinked down at her for a few surprised seconds and then let out a bark of delight.
"Ahh! Should 'ave figured there'd be some newbies 'at don't know who I am here today. Well I'll tell ya!" He puffed out his chest playfully and shot her a wink, "Me name's Marille! I'm a deep sea diver, specially in those places 'at most don't dare t' explore! I collect rare fish fer a breeding program set up in the fish store I work at... pretty lil things they end up bein', first ones o' the market... drives up price and keeps us in business!" Marille's tongue lolled out and his tail thumped the ground a few times in happiness. "Me main pleasure in life though comes from being out at sea... nothin' but me, the waves, the fish, and a wee bit o' danger." A dreamy look stole over his golden eyes but it wasn't long before he snapped out of it and sprang to his paws. "Well enough o' that!! Lemme have a look at those fish eh?"
(just a wee intro to my new babe Marille <3 Designed by Chim ;A;)

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Which meal was so good that you can't forget it?

pffff idk xD I mean when you get really really hungry pretty much anything tastes heavenly so??? There is also the fact that everyone has favourite foods so that would probably cloud judgment a bit xD For me it would probably be a roast from years ago I guess, but I enjoy lots of foods so idk

and an obligatory photo of Nicodemus

Tempy's Characters
even though trying to take a picture of him is nearly impossible :/ so you get the clearest pic I could get of him while he was momentarily still in the background xD

more tank pics!!!

Tempy's Characters
because my fish are my babies and this dang tank is like my lifeline to staving off my anxiety (and also because I put way too much effort into keeping it running/growing smoothly). Now if only the dang algae would quit....
PS it looks a little messy right now because the Indian almond leaves are still getting saturated by the water xD once they're waterlogged I'll be making a nice leaf litter again <3

Do you follow your brain or your heart?

Depends. Usually it's a decent mixture of the two. Like I'll be motivated to do something by my heart, but then my brain tells me whether it's wise or how best to go about doing it xD Naturally there are exceptions, but generally speaking thats how I work haha

What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

holographic/fully immersive video games. and also flying cars

What is your favorite book?

Thats like asking me to pick between my pets!! So I don't have a single overarching favourite, but my top five would be:
LoTR series (I'm counting it as one)
Black/Red/White/Green - Ted Dekker
A.D. 30 - Ted Dekker
Hannibal series - Thomas Harris
Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen

How do you stay fit?

-chokes- well currently my (very pathetic) life consists of sitting in front of a computer and writing papers. In fact most of this past school year I have done NOTHING physical that I should be doing. But my spring resolution is to get in shape so that means: healthy diet (no junk food and no processed sugar - bye bye chocolate), regular exercise (probs jogging with my dad or making use of the gym), and looooots of biking!!!

What is your favorite charity?

currently I'm somewhat obsessed with International Justice Mission <3 They're not a charity in the traditional sense but I love the work they're doing :)

Language: English