

You should watch Boku no Pico tbh. As a fellow Chinese cartoon lover, I recommend it to everyone I stumble upon. I give it a solid 10/10 ngl, the best one I have ever seen! Hope you like it friend

dude nice! I'll give it a shot! Looking at some pictures right now and I see SOOOO MUCH waifu material. Thanks for the recommendation !!!!
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Latest answers from Comett

Do you curse out loud or in your head more?

a huge manga bubble appears above my head when i think becuz i am big weeaboo desu

Why must you go offline? Why can't you stream 24/7? Senpai, pls answer me this. It needs to be answered. Also what is your favorite anime that isnt mainstream? (example of mainstream is: Attack on titan, Fairy tail, one piece, ETC.)

Why must you go offline Why cant you stream 247 Senpai pls answer me this It

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