
Kiowa Alesha

Ask @KiowaAleshaCrawford

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Deanna Didn't Do Anything To You. That Doesn't Mean You Get To Be A Bitch To Her. >:(

You don't even know what she does to not only me but to more then half of my friends. She's evil & says the most rudest things anybody could ever say. She deserves to be treated that way.
Maybe If she apologized for ALL the things she has said to everyone she's been rude to then I will consider being her friend. Until then, I will continue to treat her how she's deserves to be treated. Thank you & goodbye.
Liked by: Teri Yannayon!

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Do you have a nickname? What is it?

Tons! Here's a few I've been givin.
Beef toast.
Anything else you guys wanna call me. Hahahahahha.

What do you think people think of you?

Psh I don't know. But i do know that if it's something bad, I have 0 cares for what they think.
Liked by: dana ennis

Jeez I had no idea your life story was like that I'm sorry ik what your dad did but I'll shh but anyway how are you soo amazingly gorgeous?

1. You have NO idea what my dad did or who my dad even is unless your my brother, thank you very much! Also. Who are you? Because that's super interesting that you think you know what he has done and is still doing.
But despite that. Thank you for calling me "amazingly gorgeous" love you ;)
Liked by: dana ennis

What makes you really mad?

When girls MY age or even younger are doing drugs, drinking and having sex. It makes me so disgusted that girls my age honestly have no respect for themselves. It's gross & their too young.


Language: English