

Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?

He/she is probably stuck with his/her head in a tree and need help to be found XD No but seriously your soulmate is out there somewhere, ya just have to keep looking...

Latest answers from Kiro

You can laugh at me and answer with insulting gifs how much you like, cuz I'm not the one who's gonna end up being dumped (again) and when that happens remember the "stupid dumpass" anon who just told you so, and think about how much you've learned from this time.

How do you know that i'm gonna be dumped again huh? That's something no one knows. If it happens, well not much to do about it. But as i said, i have faith and hope. That's what kept me going this far.
Haha well i haven't learned anything from you, more than that you are just a random anon who think he/she knows everything, while you actually don't know shit ^w^
And i don't care what you think about me, if i'm crazy or anything like that. That's your opinion, even tho you don't know me at all, and just go on what you have seen me answering here on ask.
Just leave :3

Wanting to find your soulmate isn't wrong, but trying to find it so desperately as you do can't be healthy, and you say you're already in love (again) like for how long have you two been dating, three days?

I'm not searching for it desperately. It's you who is blind and think that.
Well i can't control my feelings now can i? Besides, it's none of your business ^^ And yes i'm in love again, instead of fucking go around and be heartbroken, i rather fall in love with someone and be happy.
You can't decide how far it will hold, neither can i, but i have hope and faith in us.
None of your business.

Just because you've experienced a lot of relationships doesn't mean you've learned anything from them. This has nothing to do with your exes, but about you, and how you're always ready to rush your head in when just the tiniest interest for you is to be found from another person.

Yes i have. What do you know about that? ^^
Lol you didn't even read what i wrote do you? XD I don't rush into things at all. And no, if i would rush into things if someone has the tiniest interest for me, i would have been together with all my friends XD Since they are interested to talk to me. Duh.
And what is wrong with searching for your soulmate? Hmm? It's not wrong at all. Love isn't like in the fucking movies where you find the person at once.
Just leave and go back to wherever you came from.
to get into a relationship, and dating are two different things anon. I'm pretty sure you are just one of those that think you are soooo smart and know everything about everything and try to make me feel bad.
But honestly, i just laugh at you xD I've learned alot about love and relationships. Sure i can be honest and say that before i went to fast into a relationship. But now i don't. It's called dating, and if 2 people love eachother, what is wrong with that? Nothing.

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I'm just a person who sees where this is going. You're gonna rush into some short lived love relationship with someone and end up being back where you began, without having learned anything. Like you did last time. And the time before that. Which really is a pity.

Uhm actually no. Apparently you are a person who doesn't know anything about love.
It's not my fault that my past relationships haven't worked out. And sure i don't know how long this will last but i am willing to try. And if it doesn't work out, well shit then. But that is something only the future knows.
I don't rush into things. I have it really hard to trust people, and this person is someone i've known for a long while, almost over a year. And i don't give a flying fuck what others think about it.
It's my life choices. And "like i did last time" ? You must be blind anon, i try to find my true love/soulmate. And you never know who it can be if you don't try and take the chance. And i have feelings for this person, and so has she for me.
You're the one who is a pity. Coming here and think you are so smart and knows everything about everything. You don't. I'm well experienced when it comes to love.
And i can't control my exes feelings now can i? If they lose feelings for me and break up, that's their choice and there is nothing i can do than try to move on even tho it's hard.
I'm not rushing into anything. It's called dating you dumbass -__-'

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What are some things that make you really happy?

Well there is one sertain person who have made me really happy now <3 No i aint gonna tell who~

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