

Ask @KiroAkuma

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What are you thankful for today?

That i have the best girlfriend ever who loves me for who i am <3 Also thankful for everything she have done for me and how she makes me feel loved TwT <3

How can you tell that someone is lying?

If you know the truth or see it kn their eyes.
Or the way they talk/write sometimes too

Lolololol! Jag tyckte din profil bild såg fin ut, men jag kunde inte koppla i mitt huvud vad du hade på dig för kläder för att bilden var så liten! Så då förstorade jag den och såg att du hade på dig en cosplayare~ Sött foto btw!

Hahaha well det är en awesome vän jag träffade på peppcon XD Bilden är tagen där på konventet XD
And thanks QwQ
Liked by: Kozekito

Where is the coldest place you have ever been and what was the temperature?

Närcon Winter, the sleeping hall... Even I thought it was cold.. ME!! Me who can handle cold easily as hell xD But it was colder there than outside .__. next ncv i'm gonna sleep at a hotel or on the convention .__. Not the other building that was freaking ice cold. Everyone there, ca 450 people catched the cold so yeah... xD
*shivers* So horrible QAQ
Liked by: Kozekito

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

Both, like i love being with people ( mostly my friends and like on conventions ) But i also need my alone time sometimes :3 But mostly i wanna be with people TwT

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

A week, then i fell asleep for 3 days. Woke up thirsty and hungry. My friend i was at then had already fixed water and helped me eat. Then i rested the whole day.
Yay for sleeping problems ^^ Tho that was 2 years ago or such, so now the longest time was 5 days on närcon 14 :3 Got woken up early just one hour after i finally got some sleep... worst convention ever -___- Except when i hanged out with my bro :3 That was awesome x3 The rest sucked .__.

How do you prefer to be awakened up in the morning?

Not too early -w-
And not like... just pull my blanket off or shake me like an idiot... Wake me up carefully instead TwT
Ooooor you can wake me up early and pull of my blanket and shake me like and idiot and i'll be mad and pissed off for the rest of the day ^^
Barely get enough sleep so yeah .__. Not enough sleep= sad/angry Kiro -w-
Enough sleep= Happy Kiro x3
Tho i dont remember last time i got any good night sleep ;___;

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Gray like a troll 8D That way i only need to put on some make up for my Gamzee cosplay and then i'm done x3
Homestuck is the best~


Language: English